Rent is Still Due in Kushnerville
Government stimulus checks and a temporary ban on evictions are tiding over the suddenly jobless residents of housing complexes owned by Jared Kushner’s company. But what will happen when both soon run out?
How Mitch McConnell Made Donald Trump
The president owes both his election and his long-term impact to the Senate majority leader, who not only engineered the strategy that will let Trump make two Supreme Court appointments, but also created the circumstances that facilitated his rise. Alec MacGillis writes.
Forced to Choose Between a Job — and a Community
As the largest employer in Adams County, Ohio, closes its coal-fired power plants there, politicians and companies have thrown up their hands. Families know that finding work means leaving the place they know. Alec MacGillis reports.
Can the Democrats be as Stubborn as Mitch McConnell?
If Chuck Schumer and his Senate Democrats choose a path of obstructing President Trump’s agenda, they will have learned from the best. Alec MacGillis writes.
Why is Mitch McConnell Picking This Fight?
In the cycle of eternal re-election, ideology leads. Alec MacGillis discusses what’s at stake for the majority leader in the battle over the late Justice Scalia’s replacement.
Is the Gun Lobby’s Power Overstated?
The National Rifle Association and other anti-gun-control groups are formidable, but political trends may be loosening their grip on lawmakers.
Higher Education Lobby Quietly Joins For-Profit Schools to Roll Back Tighter Rules
Traditional colleges and universities have become unlikely allies of the beleaguered for-profit industry as each group tries to fend off the government’s push for more accountability. Alec MacGillis reports.

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