Haiku 81

Photo: Andrew Hamlin. CC-BY-SA 4.0

Pigeon glide
reflection, puddle…
two torn shoes


Chill wind,
dog pant…
thickened twilight


That olive tree…
almost too far
to write


my left nostril whistles,


After midnight…
that fire alarm
winds down


Banana slug
and yellow-spotted leaf
trade salutes


I’ve failed…
he wants to go back
and sleep with the bugs


Near noon…
spatter blown south
from a drainpipe


Christmas Eve…
my walls creak
from the cold


the old man
sleeps in the barley


Three men acquitted,
sun falls…
the shortest day


by firelight…
shows his gold


Christmas Day,
rain rustle…


I can almost
mistake toilet flush, for
washing machine


Last haiku
this year…
hand to shaven cheek


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