Construction saws,
two violins, two horns…
Marilyn Monroe
grows old…dust
to her poster chest
On account
of no one else
willing or
I accept
can’t decide to whine…
or whistle
Fall dawn…
my mind in and out
of dream clouds
Drunk Happy Birthday…
harmonies crawl apart
like worms
Summer sun stolen
from autumn…
a window washer
No train til tomorrow…
Venus sleeps
in the crescent Moon
That scream–
thank God it resolves
to a siren
the man’s voice does not match
his head
rain sometimes
misses my nose
Little Noah…
boot heels blink
with each scamper
Security guard, squat…
feeds peanuts
to pigeons
Spider spins…
soft slap of sneakers
to treadmill
That night,
so wrong–siren
like a choking dog
What was once love…
a puff
on the dandelion
Sunday night…
crow caw collides
with a fan’s pulsing