Two Poems

Photo: Bo&Ko. Licensed CC-BY-SA 2.0


A Walk in the Park

A tiger in the trees, hunting
for spiders who fall to earth
before they are transformed to starlight.
These things are known to children
whose eyes see beyond what they learn
of secrets never to be shared.

Surprised by Eager Voices

In the school of Artemis
her pupils surpass their dreams
if only by speculation
on the injustice of the law.
Hovering in lonely judgement
sings the stinging fly.

Reading an Ancient Map

In another history rewritten
the souls of the lost seek rest
as embers from the beacon burn.
When pipers are paid in peppercorns
they scale castle walls
and howl like dogs for a bone.

Watching the Parade

Beauty is held in the champion’s hand
between the acts of timelessness.
The lioness devours all strictures
for the scene always changes
against her pride rising.
Life is ever in motion.



Time has turned the pages
to the color of the sun
setting in the winter haze.
A caged bird’s feather floats
into mind when light fades
on the flesh of aged faces
with the texture of wrinkled parchment.

The aroma of jasmine vanishes
when the world fears the worst
in the drifting cloud of desert dust.
And the taste of lemons
is a sharper sign of war.
A ribbon of remembrance cries
for a sowing of the sunflower.

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