not the one with a capital S,
just the jerry-rigged cluster of habits
enshrined with a beating heart
and living spirit, that meets
the new day every day for decades,
the one who stands in lines,
who runs in races as we all must
without, hopefully, turning everything
into a race.
I’m speaking here of the arc
of a lifetime, a long arc
that requires great endurance—
no matter who we are, I would imagine.
When I was younger, I went
to the BART station one day
and gave out HERO buttons
to everyone I could.
It’s easy to forget, when you’re struggling,
that it’s a great thing just to keep struggling.
I’ve been way ahead of the pack
or at least felt that way,
but that was certainly a Gift.
This putting one foot ahead of the other,
longing to do great things
but giving the best effort
no matter what
may engender more Divine smiles
than being tapped on the shoulder
and led to the Mountain-top.
Persevering, who knows,
may be the finest
Art of all.