If I would have kept on walking I would have walked straight into the path of the train.
It surprised me to see the train coming by at this time as it was the first time I was so close to the Fillmore & Western train as it came from Fillmore into Santa Paula.
There was something comely about it and I could not help but recognize its singularity.
I smiled with delight.
I thought being too close to the train was a hazard, because a rock or pebble might fly out and hit me, so I stepped a few steps back and stood by the shadow of the trees behind me.
I noticed the people on the train.
I caught out of the corner of my eye an attractive woman towards the end of the train so I anticipated her passing by.
I took in the details of the train and its passengers as it moved by me.
I noticed a woman who noticed me and for some reason fixed her gaze on me until she disappeared out of my sight. It made me uncomfortable for its duration and so I smirked and darted my eyes at her and away, playing a game with her.
The train slowed down and I did not know why. I walked over the train tracks and realized it had stopped because it was reaching a cross section. That is what the sound was.
The color spectrum flowed into my mind; ideas and forms.
Thoughts emerged as music from the plate of my mind.
The sun infused the air and wind with a vitality the sun would only know.
Some of the plants and bushes and their flowers appeared to be from another planet because of their peculiarity and brilliance.
I have to compare it to walking on the surface of another planet and observing the plant life for the first time in a state of complete awe.
The scenes presenting themselves to me were as a watercolor drawn with just the right amount of water making the pictures appear as if suspended in space and time.
I wandered through it. Breathing in the awesome beauty as a fish breathes the water it swims in.
A profound peace soaked me in and out.
A profound peace.
I was dead.