In your sweet nakedness
strange horizon appears
Amazing loveliness
and undulating swells
scintillate on a soft
lucid hyperplane
Mountain wakes up
with intoxicating thirst
for the pair of pinnacles
piercing through the aqua-blue ocean
Magical gorge
hidden creeks
cascades and waterfalls
Wildflower blooms
Butterfly melts in rainbow
Soft moonlight sings
In your perfumed nakedness
imaginary universes, mild and dainty,
Poppy’s spectral veil of pink
like a monarch butterfly’s eclosing
Colored smell of million poppies
Sensual longings, naughty,
libido unbounded
invade me like a drunken sailor
I wish I could dive
into your unfathomable
ocean of nakedness
I would dive for eternity
This kind of death
is lot better than
various kind of deaths
deaths of so many desires
Your translucent nakedness
intoxicates me
like a drunken insane
I smell your nakedness
in organic splendor
For a tiny fleeting time
it is natural
to become a mild, gentle mild,
charming warrior
like Byron’s Don Juan
The beauty of your
blooming nakedness
of this ephemeral universe
In your sweet nakedness
strange horizon appears
Amazing loveliness
and undulating swells
scintillate on a soft
lucid hyperplane