PROPAGANDA 36 Vroomed by - A half-turn. Random shot to eminence. Mugginess quickened, fervent. Plane crashed into whitecaps. * Vroomed by turn shot fervent whitecaps * Kismet vroomed by - Wrong-turn. Gamester shot - peevish. Dread unshifting, fervent. Avoided low-ebbed whitecaps. *** PROPAGANDA 37 Self-possessed evening, diffused. Muscatel gulped, we quit. Loudspeakers roared. Fume-thickening corroded nostrils. Overshadows ignited red. * diffused quit roared Fume-thickening Ignited red * Precinct’s hubbub diffused, swarms quit. Their warplanes roared. Fume-thickening blind eyed, asphalt ignited red. *** PROPAGANDA 38 Lips cricked with panic. Tattery drift, rubble. Searchlights hastened - Vicious unseemly glares. * Lips Tattery hastened glares * Lips stiffen, soundless. Tattery clobbered paupers. Rescuers hastened. A bonesetter glares. *** PROPAGANDA 39 Mortified spectators on iron bridge. Flat rat-a-tats. Lurid whistles hurtled. Craters defeated paths. Glass unhinged. * spectators Flat whistles paths Glass * Spectators intoxicated. Flat ums and ahs. Nightfall whistles, melodious. Vanishing ragged paths. Air-nips turned glass. *** PROPAGANDA 40 Hollow in multiplex, Thrown-about studwork. Audience giggled. Constables pointed freight By dint of ruins. * in multiplex studwork giggled freight dint * Real-hoot flick in multiplex, B-list studwork. Seam-bursting house giggled. Alfresco freight tinkles, Dint warps crossroad.