Haiku 64

Photo: Andrew Hamlin. CC-BY-SA 4.0

Dead tidepool,
mossy musk


Mountain miles,
valley tree…
two chickadees


The bag crackles
and the seal
left unbroken


The plug pulls loose
and the old man curses–


Occluded moon…
night can’t know
it’s grown colder


Squashed moths,
across the ceiling…
ancient campaigns


Frosted glass…
Amazon man at the door
looks a ghoul


Sleet clicking
off the roof
and a TV dragon


Naught to do…
fart comes out
like a four-stroke roll


I’ll pack
my insignificance back
from that desert


He tries
nailing spring rain
to the barnside


Late winter…
pillow creaks beneath my ear,
breath by breath


So dark, so clear,
bosun’s whistle…
the snow moon


Long stoplight…
biker in black, drums
on his gas tank


Seven pissings–
I flush


Gorgeous redhead
like the mayfly, really…
upon reflection


Blow out smoke
and shake your sabre–
never conquered!


Scarred boot,
by the mailbox


chased blindly
into traffic
(thanks to Phil Dyess-Nugent)


What year is this?
snow blows north


half-filled, winter drizzle…
motor away


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