Haiku 53

Photo: Andrew Hamlin.

April 4th…
snow in the breeze…
wet noses

Ancient Egypt
goes up in puffy clouds…
pot exotica

Only from my chair
can I find any love
for that rocky beach

Full moon regards
so long as it can…
footprints on moss

unseen seagulls gyre…
shadows on stone

The dog barks
and the guest lifts her arms
in surrender

Late March…
evening sun barely
one hole in these clouds

I lived long enough
to eat this ice cream

Late March…
sun shrugs off clouds long enough
to set

Dry grass…
the bum with the thin mustache
grumbles in a dream

Late March…
a solitary grass blade
through the fence

The bald eagle…
what does it make of
white faces turned upward?

Late March…
my balls, dunked once more
in toilet water

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