The head of a white praying mantis manifests on your table it’s a breakfast plate eat eat dead meat aborted chicks wheat toast and cow fat, sip your coffee carefully, the beans
Were picked by Colombian slaves and you need your strength to cut down another thousand trees for the toothpicks to pick the bones in your teeth, socialists will need the wood
For the national bonfires to celebrate the end of plutocracy, oh India, India, where have your spectacular tigers gone, sucked up into planes, trucks, cars purring in fossil fuel
Will the pandas tomorrow have bamboo, how do the Chinese love Lao Tzu chasing power like sweaty pedophiles children in church-- Happy birthday Everyman genius to fool born today
Could stand on the stinking horizon choking on air ask why you fouled the rivers the seas, shat in your own beds. Eat what they give you my darlings, kangaroo burgers
Grilled fingers of ape dipped in dolphin blood you will need more than new accords to fix what's done when it's done sons of industry daughters of war conned by lies, pretty words
Pretty as an oil spill, give us back what you stole, the future