trees and lines and stickmen
and boulders too big to be less than
a hill heavy rock a motel {sigh}
a main street see the middle
school from here and a parts store nearly
the library and a grocery store below
in the midway
and a park with boulders taller
than 5 men where quail live
and deer play but no dogs are
allowed and they have swings
and a merry-go-round and it’s
almost summer the thrift
store will have summer clothes this
week and this is where the turkeys
go and they have teeter-totters
and a slide and still no dogs
every place comes with a view
of canyons and dams and lakes
on the bottom and rock walls
making their own special rooms
protected channeled full
of spirit wind they build
around boulders they climb
them/you can’t eat rocks