Haiku 49

By the prison gate

lone brown napkin somersaults

forward in the breeze

Man in the wheelchair

needs his umbrella back...

sweat bulbs in my sleeves

Twilight-tinged window

scent of cooking liver

three hours to Sunday

"O, no one loves me!"

a game for my mind

woolly countless eons

One shoe, a tin cup

spoiled celery for breakfast

shadow of the church

Madman screams again

my toweled hands jump

to my dropped jaw

Too hot for birdsong

yet the rascals found my ledge

for their warm chorus!

Moments of silence

if you added them all up

no noise evermore

"A book," she snaps

about the tome at her nose

and that's all I get

Ineffable moon!

I'll dub thee more adjectives

'til the morning bus

I spare a spider

but grant no extra help, at

the strawberry patch

"I could wither you"

whispers the ghost from the elm

as twilight spreads

Twinned gliding goshawks

Which one follows the other?

Southward past the sun
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