This week we’d like to switch it up and give you something free that you should pay for.
It’s no secret we at The Star are immensely fond of Pixabay, and just as immensely grateful to them. Over the years of The Star’s publishing we’ve featured their images with our posts regularly. Why? Because they are easily the premier site for high-quality public domain images, rivalled only by upstart Unsplash. Pixabay offer over 600,000 images for free, with no rights attached, because they believe in the public domain as we do. Our own publisher himself has donated a baker’s dozen of his own photos to their site, so strong is his belief.
The free thing we bring you this week, then, is actually their Kickstarter for a Pixabay mobile app. As we publish this there are two days left to fund it completely, and the project is 90% funded. We think you should push them over 100%.
Why? There are 600,000 very good reasons right now, and when the project is funded completely (because it will be–you will make sure, yes?) they plan to add another 100,000 or so that will be all at your fingertips to use on your mobile device, to share with friends and family, to have and to hold till death do you part. Hans Braxmeier and Simon Steinberger are truly wonderful, magnanimous guys who do great work building the global commons. We’ve given them $100 ourselves, so we aren’t just blowing smoke here. This app will be wonderful and — like their website — completely free.
How can you lose? Do it.
Meanwhile, here are some free pictures from Pixabay’s Editor’s Choice column to establish their righteousness, but mostly for you to enjoy and to use as you wish without someone getting in your grill. Enjoy.
[simpleviewer gallery_id=”103″]