Eureka by Alison
Eureka is a grate restruent. My favrite dish is cheese casadia. it is very kid friendly. it has fun coloring sheets with crayns. Avrey wonce in a while they change the sheets. Also, you can have grate apptasirs.
Red Robin by Rhea
I love Red Robin. When it’s your birthday you get a free Ice-cream sunday and the waiters and waitrices sing Happy birthday. You get a colering sheet and crayons if you are a kid. I wold Recomend the corn dog. You shold go here.
Berger Master by Henry
I would rekemend berger master for a plais to go to for dinner. it is kid friendly. you get a smarty in your kids meal. they have really good milk shakes. and awesome!! burgers.
Viose by Natalie
I think Viose is a good restaurent because it has colering seets for kids and cup of rayns. My favorite meil is the kids Mesa Plate it has grid cickn, humand, peda, and frot saled sum pepl say it is to expnsv but I still think its weirth it.
Mad Pizza by Alia
They will give your kid a sticker if they want one. They let you pick your own topping or if you want they will have a minu you can get what they sagjest. You should try the sashig + papperony or if you’re vegeittaryin get the juicey cheese pizza. I think you should tast all the food.
blue C sushi by Claudia
It has healthy and tasty food. Also it has this thing thats like a magic carpit itdilivers your food to you. My favorite food is the ovacatoe roll it is healthy. They also have dasert.