…and in the news…
Protest meets martial law fashion. Poetry by Jon Ravenscroft.
Our Primary Endorsements
The Seattle Star’s endorsements for the August 4, 2015, Seattle City Council primary elections.
Could New Bipartisan Bill Force 2016 Contenders to Tackle Too-Big-To-Fail Banks?
The Glass-Steagall Act returns for the 21st Century. Deirdre Fulton reports.
I Know What You Think: Collective Intelligence in Online Communication
Have you ever wondered what factors may shape the interactions we have in online chatrooms? Chloe Medosch explores.
Fine Homebuilding
One of the blessings and curses of being the oldest child of young parents is that you get to watch them grow up. Briallen Hopper writes.
May It Displease the Court: Race and Justice Sotomayor
A book on Justice Sotomayor reveals the bruising backstory to the Texas affirmative action case set to be heard again this fall. An interview with the author, Joan Biskupic.
FBI Director Wants ‘Backdoor Access’ to Communications…and an End to Your Privacy
Rights groups and security experts warn that secret government access will threaten rights and security of people worldwide
Filing System
Cole Hornaday weaves relationships together in the latest chapter of The Ghost and the Owl Wife.
Socializing the Dark Web
Can there be social networking among the pseudonymous? Robert W. Gehl talks with Lameth, leader of the dark web social networking site, Galaxy2.
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