Bootstrapping Social Change With a Guaranteed Income
Reviving an American idea: R.V. Murphy considers liberal, libertarian and conservative arguments for a guaranteed basic income.
Adblockers and Innovative Ad Companies are Working Together to Build a More Privacy-Friendly Web
Adblockers help to secure your privacy. Could an advertising model that actually respects your privacy work together with adblockers? Peter Eckersley writes.
That All-Nighter is Not Without Neuroconsequences
If you’re studying too hard, you may want to get some sleep. Emilie Reas drops science on you.
Doing Disability Differently
Mixing disabilities with abilities is better for both. Lessons from wheelchair basketball and dance, courtesy of Lesley Evans Ogden.
The Refugee Crisis: Made in the USA
The main cause of the refugee crisis in Europe is the U.S. wars and sanctions to orchestrate regime change in the Middle East, North Africa and Central Asia. Judy Bello schools you.
Take a Valium, Lose Your Kid, Go to Jail: When the Womb is a Crime Scene
In Alabama, anti-drug fervor and abortion politics have turned a meth-lab law into the country’s harshest weapon against pregnant women. Nina Martin reports.
“You Betrayed Us”: Tech Companies Ignore Users’ Privacy Concerns and Support CISA
Apple and other tech companies have urged passage of a controversial pro-surveillance bill, directly ignoring user wishes around the globe. Nadia Prupis writes.
What Do We Want From the Next Librarian of Congress?
The Library of Congress is one of the greatest cultural contributions the USA has ever given to its citizens and the world. It needs to belong to the 21st Century. Here’s how.
On the Sustainability of Museums as Stations of Art and Life
How do museums serve to preserve yet also make accessible the culture of humankind in today’s world? Gabriela Jurosz-Landa considers.
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