The Downsides of Cheap Abundance
Ralph Nader considers a world of cheap abundance–and its unintended consequences.
Blue Skies
Body camera manufacturers see profit in the cop cloud. Ava Kofman reports.
Open Access is a Human Rights Issue
Academic publishing–much of it publicly financed–continues to lock itself behind paywalls while researchers create cute ways around the system. Elliot Harmon tells you why this is a human rights issue.
Rarefaction and Mystery: Bach Collegium Japan at Town Hall
Omar Willey checks into Town Hall for the Bach Collegium Japan concert and returns with some musical thoughts.
Sunday Comics
Sunday Comics ran over the neighbor because his dad’s the mayor.
Electra: Oration, Orison and Oratorio
Omar Willey reviews the latest production of Electra from the UW UTS.
Haiku 36
Haiku cycle from Andrew Hamlin for your reading pleasure.
When You Work in the Open, Everyone Can Be a Collaborator
Open is not just a word, it’s a way forward. Elliot Harmon details the ways in which an open policy helps everyone.
Internet Companies: Confusing Customers for Profit
Nate Cardozo ponders the greed motive behind social networking.
How Trade Agreements Harm Open Access and Open Source
Closed-door agreements are often hostile to those who want to live and work with open access. Jeremy Malcolm lists some of the ways these problems are embedded in the latest agreements.
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