Licensed CC0/Public Domain.
He had a little truth;
He held it with his might.
A little, shining thing
To get him through the night.
Someone with wider eyes
Showed him a bigger truth:
Something to tantalize:
Truth upon truth on truth!
Truth threatened all he knew.
His precious world went turvy.
Truth used to be so straight,
And now it was so curvy.
He cut his truth in two.
(It was easier to hold.)
Half went into the bin.
Half he held till he sold.
Gary Steven Corseri has published novels, poetry collections, dramas and articles. He has been an editor, and journalist. He has taught in US prisons and public schools, and in universities in the US and Japan. He has performed his work at the Carter Presidential Library, and his dramas have been produced on Atlanta-PBS and elsewhere. Contact: gary_corseri@comcast.net.