The holy stich was wove
the deviant —, the image seas the
projected from an imprint
of a mica veneer — a natural
occurring a mirror of the still
water, anyone that missed,
repeat —.
Participated, in, the
wind room, divisive three
sensation off the keel.
what wood, reborn, re, exercised,
commission —…
strum, the
round well hole
story studies hard, from, it,
in prayer notched units
clicked to next whole —.
In love of, the bursting basket,
moistened envelop
daylight drama night embeds
appeal more solid
sampled of persuasion
defended in the cloth
and buttressed of shells —
line derived and fatefully
anchored, wall and roof —
as so, for am the questions,
blocked, and loosely stare,
then, up
the cove of lower learning.
Have the reconsidered
viewing takes
of it —, the
supple knee,
the color fog
and back-ing flame as would
to cold approach —
as off, are
salient portions
worn —
that after of the
last sustain,
a new one note is
both long and fresh
sailed in high while
on the rope
and shedding song
to freedom.
Break the back of fate
force into the gauntlet
of determination from behind
slow by narrows bottle
necked, the thumb
impressures the hose —
for seeking and inhibiting.
What shape the gauntlet
what shape the hole
|: exalt :| lowered
to a pin point
dense weight
|: compress :|
focus and direction
images force
through (the hole)
at one time,
one navigator
wondering as passing
under a single
lens, forced series
by gauntlet
arrive bulk
and shape
emit the
and fit, the
sequence gained,
and thus, the
of futures.
Collision Blossoms.
Rose quartz to
rose to leave the
rose to form lines
eye curves
to bind them to space
example —
Cauterized emblem
embossed the tissue
thin the epidermal
flippant the regard
dissuade from compliment —
casual the committed —
approximate the borders
accused the eye of unused
as yet triangulated
as yet conduct
as yet, of ice the scar
the place as seen collapsing chair
and folding table
as the gone,
from view.
Cover up the
lower half.