It was late in the day and golden sunlight poured into the apartment living room. Carl was sitting on the couch, idly picking near-microscopic pieces of lint from his black pants.
Two Seattle Designers to join the cast of Fashion Star
Breaking news! Not one, but two Seattle designers made the cast of NBC’s new fashion-slanted-reality-competition-show, Fashion Star. Sounds like bragging rights to me!
One Door Closes as Another Prepares to Open For Unexpected Productions
While Seattle’s longest running live show finished up its last performance this weekend at the Intiman Theatre in the Seattle Center, the mood was anything but somber. Instead, the talented improvisers of Unexpected Productions emphasized their excitement for the impending move back to their home at the Pike Place Market.
The Love You Lost: the First BBC Audio Drama Awards
On January 10th, the shortlist for the first ever BBC Audio Drama Awards was announced. The winners will be announced at a ceremony to be held on Sunday January 29th, 2012 in the Radio Theatre at BBC Broadcasting House, presented by actor David Tennant. But why begin an awards ceremony now when the BBC itself has recently axed much of their radio production?
Jorgensen | Fisk’s Redemption at On the Boards: Jungian Struggles In A-Minor
For the second weekend in a row, José Amador compels you to visit On the Boards to witness its current production, and supplies musical annotations to help you familiarize with the elements invoked by it.
Theater Schmeater’s Cradle and All: Kvelling Up Baby
John Allis takes in Theater Schmeater’s current production of Daniel Goldfarb’s Cradle and All, and while there is much to recommend about the production, the text upon which the production rests leaves something to be desired.
Dubbels and Triples and Wits, Oh My!
We all know that “Belgium” is synonymous with “beer.” There is no questions or doubt in anyone’s mind that the country is notorious…
This Week In Theater: The First Big Wave Arrives
It has arrived a little earlier than expected: 2012’s first massive wave of theatrical activity is here! José Amador guides through the various productions about town, and tries to give them all the attention they deserve.
Macha Monkey’s Thebes at ToJ
Change is afoot in the very small town of Thebes as it approaches its mayoral election. There Mary Johnston, a Christian woman emanating down-home manners of social and moral pragmatism and poise, is seeking office against Joe, the incumbent candidate with whom she shares both an affection and some personal history.
The First Annual Gypsy Rose Lee Awards Have Arrived
Announcing the birth of a new set of awards for local theater: The Gypsy Rose Lee Awards.
José Amador discusses the main difference between this and other awards, namely that the honorees were arrived at by the consensus of a group of theater critics, of which he and Omar Willey were but two.

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