Second Annual GeekGirlCon Celebrates Female Geekdom This Weekend
Make no mistake, the fact that Seattle is overrun by geekdom is in no way a bad thing. But the need for a geeky, female-centric convention occurred to a few very active geek feminists not so long ago, and last year GeekGirlCon was born. A convention where thousands gather to female geekhood, offering a place for people to celebrate and honor the contributions of women to science and technology; comics, arts, and literature; and game play and game design.
Theater Schmeater’s Parallel Lives: Two Great Performers and…
The Kathy & Mo Show: Parallel Lives, currently being produced by Theater Scmeater, was written by Kathy Najimy and Mo Gaffney back in 1989, which makes the play old enough to be considered a chestnut. This presents an insurmountable hurdle in providing anything but an empty frivolity.
August 7, 1936: Zioncheck for President
Seattle is full of stories of What Could Have Been. Among these is the story of Marion Zioncheck, at once one of Seattle’s greatest rabble-rousers and one of our most tragic historical figures.
She is not she if she holds still
she leaves the father eternally immersed in research,
the mother who lines windowsills with silent ferns,
plies them with silent care,
her children too
—heads out
Life, Death, Computers, Books, Baseball: Seattle Star Interviews Novelist Laurie Frankel
Tamiko Nimura interviews novelist Laurie Frankel about her new book, Goodbye For Now, a speculative novel about technology, death and dying, human foibles and acceptance. And model airplanes.
The Seattle Star Food Section
Our target audience are not foodies or chefs or gardeners, though we love you and worship at the same altar. We’re interested in appealing to people who eat out a lot, who stalk the deli section at QFC, who say they “can’t” cook as they pop a Pizza Pocket in the microwave, who think nothing of basing a diet on nutrition sourced thousands of miles away, or indeed, who purchase blackberries.
Tonight at Elliott Bay Books: Bruce Holbert Reads From His Lonesome Animals
There is something soothing about a novel—the way that it can transport you from an often traumatizing, confusing world into one where boundaries,…
Dolce Vita announces largest sample sale in 11 year history
Dolce Vita is offering up 1,500 of their current season footwear and apparel items at 60-80% off. Clear your calendar for Saturday and Sunday, August 11th and 12th at Object in Belltown.
False start with Pullulation and Yada-yada
Another bit of experimental prosody from renown Seattle choreographer, dancer and poet Christin Call.

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