Lights up. FAMILY picnics, center stage.
Cries of gulls, waves smashing ashore. Enter,
stage left, at speed, a splendid foxy blur:
the GODDESS: All hail! Hail my new perfume!
DAUGHTER: Yuck! What did she roll in? Good grief!
YOUNGEST: Get away, dog! You reek! You reek!
GODDESS: Bow before me in my radiance.
MOTHER: Ugh! She found a dead fish or seal.
DAUGHTER: No way I’ll ride home with that stink!
GODDESS: I bring you this powerful and
unique scent as a portent of my strength–
FATHER: Get her to go in the ocean.
YOUNGEST throws sticks offstage. GODDESS pursues.
MOTHER: She won’t dry with the salt water
plus it will make her scratch. Stop throwing things.
GODDESS returns. FAMILY stands, meek. Beat.
DAUGHTER: I refuse to ride for two hours
with that rank dog.
YOUNGEST: We can’t leave her!
DAUGHTER: Everything will smell like rotten–
MOTHER: Yes. I’m sorry. FAMILY packs
picnic, exits stage right. GODDESS remains.
GODDESS: Subdued before my majesty,
my followers, at last, bow before me.
YOUNGEST: (From offstage) Come on, Butterscotch!
GODDESS exits stage right, barking. CURTAIN
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